Access requests as a tool for activism

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – and the right of access in particular – show considerable promise for the protection of fundamental rights in a data-driven environment. The scope and mechanics of these opportunities are starting to be explored by a variety of actors in civil society, academia, journalism and industry.

In this panel we will discuss the practices and potential for the use of the right of access as a tool for activism with the broader Privacy Camp community. What are the conditions that enable a successful access request? What are the common obstacles and how can the community work together to overcome these obstacles?

The objective of the session is to strengthen the access request community by sharing best practices and increasing awareness about the different ways the right of access is used in a activist context.


  • Joris van Hoboken (LSTS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


Check out the full programme here.

Registrations are open until Friday 17 January, 2020 here.